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AnonSMM - Anonymous SMM Panel

Creating order

Discord NFT Server Members

Discord NFT Server Members






8.91 $

Price for 1000

⏬ ADD THIS BOT TO THE SERVER: https://paply.org/onlinemembers ❗️❗️LİNK: İNVİTE_LİNK -- SERVER_İD❗️❗️ ❗️ For your order to be processed automatically, you must add this bot to the server. ❗️ The bot does not have any authority. Does not contain ads. ❗️ You can remove the bot from the server after the member submission is finished. 🔗 You must enter the server connection. 💬 Example Link: https://discord.gg/xxxxxx 🐒 They have an nft avatar. 🟢 Stays online for 1 month. (Maybe Longer) ✅ All members appear active in random games, twitch or spotify 🔓 The server must not have "Member Bot Verification" or "Spam Blocker Bot". 🔓 Verification Level must be turned off. ❗ No Invitation Limits or Returns/Refills on Deletion. ✅ No drops. 🕞 They will always be online for 1 month. 🤖 Entry is via a bot, you need add our Discord Bot to your server (Bot needs "Create Invite" permission only) With Discord's official OAuth2 API, it allows us to add members to your server using a Discord Bot without need to deal with proxy and captcha, which reduce the cost a lot so price can be a lot more cheaper